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Reviews: The Composer, Strauss: Samantha Hankey
Liceu Barcelona, September 2021

"El primer cast de l’espectacle compta amb una intèrpret sensacional, la mezzosoprano Samantha Hankey al servei del compositor. Veu dúctil, amb centre vellutat i sense problemes de projecció; tot i cantar tan sols al pròleg, va ser la indiscutible guanyadora."

"The first cast of the show features a sensational performer, mezzo-soprano Samantha Hankey in the service of the composer. Ductile voice, with velvety center and no projection problems; despite singing only in the prologue, she was the undisputed winner."
Jaume Radigales, Ara, 21 September 2021


"La Compositora de Samantha Hankey va impressionar per la seva bonica veu i efectiu fraseig..."

"The Composer of Samantha Hankey impressed with her beautiful voice and effective phrasing..."

Pablo Meléndez-Haddad / El Periodico, 23 September 2021

"Muy musical y expresiva estuvo la mezzosoprano Samantha Hankey como Compositor (su dúo con Zerbinetta fue hermoso)..."

"The mezzo-soprano Samantha Hankey was very musical and expressive as Composer (her duet with Zerbinetta was beautiful)..."

Javier Pérez Senz / El Pais, 23 September 2021

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